Angel Readings and ATP

Mary Versosky is an Angel Therapy Practitioner who studied extensively under Doreen Virtue. She is an Advanced Angel Therapy Practitioner, a Certified Medium, a Past Life Reader and has completed Angel Therapy's Professional Teachers Training.
Mary uses her intuitive ablilities to connect with your Angels to bring clarity and guidance to your life. It is a psychic reading coming from a very high source, your Angels, who only want the best for you. She uses her training with Doreen Virtue to help you connect with your guardian angels to bring about positive changes in your life. As a Medium, Mary can connect you with Departed Loved Ones for peace and comfort. Her Past Life training can help you understand certain issues and repeating patterns in your current incarnation.
Readings can be conducted in person or by phone.
Fees are $50 for a half hour reading or $90 for an hour.               

Contact Mary Today!

Auras and Angels

Mary Versosky
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Phone: +1 602 616 5567 +1 602 616 5567


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